Mix and match our printable hat tops and bottoms to create all sorts of paper hats. Decorate them into top hats, a sheriff's hat, a cowboy hat, a pilgrim's hat, a clown hat, a sombrero, pointy witch and wizard's hats, and even some silly hats.
Choose one top and one bottom template from our collection of printable hat templates. Print out your chosen templates on A4 or Letter size heavy card stock.
Before gluing the top and bottom templates together, it's best to test if the two pieces fit well. Insert the upper portion of the top template through the slit on the brim. Ease the brim further down until the slit touches the top edge of the bands. If the templates do not fit well, slightly widen the slit.
Use stamps to create wonderful patterns on your hat. Try making your own stamps like these fruit and vegetable stamps or potato stamps.
To make texture rubbings, print out the hat template on plain paper and place the paper over a textured surface such as sand paper or a woven placemat. Rub over the paper with crayon held at a slanted position. To make the hat sturdier, you can glue the paper onto cardstock before cutting out the template pieces.
Witch and Wizard's hat - combine Top Template 6 and Bottom Template 2 to make a pointy witch or wizard hat.
Cowboy and Sheriff's hat - print out Top Template 2 and Bottom Template 4. You can add a big silver star for a sheriff's hat.
Sombrero - use Top Template 3 and Bottom Template 3 for a colorful and festive sombrero.
Magician's hat or Top hat - put together Top Template 4 and Bottom Template 1 to make a top hat.
Pilgrim's hat - pair up Top Template 3 and Bottom Template 2. Perfect for Thanksgiving! Check out our Paper Pilgrim Hat craft for crafting details.
Tall top hats - print out Top Template 5 and Bottom Template 1 or 2. Make red horizontal stripes all over to make a fun "Cat in the Hat" hat.
Create a green version for a leprechaun or St. Patrick's Day hat.