Need a quick way to make a paper sun? We'll show you how to fold and cut paper into an easy paper sun with twelve rays.
Turn the triangle so that the solid corner (the corner corresponding to the paper's center) is at the bottom. Divide the triangle into 3 equal sections, each with a 30 degree angle. The most accurate way to do this is to use a protractor. If you don't have a protractor, you can estimate the size of the sections as you do Steps 6 and 7.
To make the sun's round center, draw a circle on yellow paper. Make the circle slightly smaller than the twelve-rayed sun. You can easily draw a circle using a compass. If you don't have a compass, find a plate or bowl that fits inside your paper sun. Draw a circle by tracing around the edges of the plate or bowl.
Cut out the yellow circle. Glue it at the center of the sun.